Prince Harry is backing away and looking for a home in the UK

Everything looks rosy in Montecito, the iconic region of California Where the Duke and Duchess of Sussex live with their children, Archie and Lilibet, one's land always retreats. Years after leaving the UK and settling on the other side of the pond, Prince Harry may be interested in gradually reconnecting with his rootsStarting with obtaining a new home that would allow him to spend long periods of time in the country of his birth.

It is worth noting that only a year ago the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were forced to do so Hand over the keys to Frogmore CottageIt is the house that Queen Elizabeth II gave them for their wedding in 2018. King Charles III took over the house, taking into account that his son and daughter-in-law had renounced their relationship with the crown, so It no longer made sense for them to own a property that was part of the Windsor estate..

since then, Prince Harry does not have a home in the UK Every time he visited, he had to resort to the kindness of some friends or family who allowed him to do so Stay at your home or even spend the night in hotels.

An uprooting that the youngest son of Lady Di and King Charles III wants to put an end to, as royal expert Tom Quinn confirms in the Mirror: “Over time, He misses certain aspects of his previous life in the UK. Inevitably comes the end of the honeymoon period when everything in America was new and exciting. “Harry now looks at the past through rose-coloured glasses.”

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But the fact that the Duke of Sussex is looking for a home in the UK does not mean that he wants to move again You have a property that you can stay in when you visit your country Without the complexity of finding safe and comfortable housing for him.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex appear to be increasingly distant from their family and friends in England. They were not present or expected at the recent Trooping The Color concert, where… Princess Kate Middleton has reappeared After announcing that he had cancer; but They also caused the loss of one of the most high-profile weddings of the year in the UKDuke of Westminster.

Harry and William have been friends with Hugh Grosvenor for years, but the Duke of Sussex himself has developed a distance with his family The Duke was forced to choose between the two brothersIt was the future king who finally attended the wedding.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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